What's Coming Up
The Speaker Series had its start as part of our monthly Thursday lunches and has grown to an event in its own right. Our speakers focus on current events, Italian culture and art, Italian history, travel and our beloved city–San Francisco.
During the height of the COVID pandemic, we took the Speaker Event online. Since resuming our in-person gatherings at the SFIAC, we have discovered our audience has grown beyond the Bay Area, and we also have several members who prefer to continue to join online. To meet these needs we offer a mix of simulcast and zoom-only meetings based on scheduling opportunities. In both cases we will still share a toast, visit, and swap stories—the heart of our time is the same–enjoying our guest speaker and our time together.
View the month’s upcoming speakers above. You can also view a listing of our past presentations to get a feel for the full breadth of subjects covered. If you would like to present to us, please reach out on our Contact page.